

As gasoline prices reach all-time peaks, how are Americans adjusting their buying patterns to cope? Analysis of Financial Health Pulse® survey and transactional data suggests that increasing gas costs and consumers’ financial health status may affect how often they refuel and how much they spend per trip to the pump.

Thursday, December 1, 2022



这个剪辑从体育脱口秀节目“ NBA上的TNT”中作为一个轻松的例子。在其中,其中一位主人肯尼·史密斯(Kenny Smith)说,他不想购买效率低下的车辆,因为这将花费他80美元才能装满坦克。他的共同主持人Shaquille O’Neal认为,肯尼可以通过不让坦克的四分之三饱满来避免花费这么多钱。

One charitable interpretation of Shaq’s argument is that he seems to be claiming that purchasing gas four times for $20 feels less bad or is easier to manage than purchasing gas once for $80. Shaq is not the only person known to express this kind of sentiment. An在《纽约时报》上发表的文章在2021年秋季,包括对一个加油站的一名男子的采访,“他说他已经每周两次获得少量汽油,以使对他的银行帐户的打击软化。”


综上所述,这些轶事对价格上涨的响应远不及简单地减少整体驾驶或改用低级汽油的直接响应。汽油价格上涨会影响人们购买汽油more often?如果是这样,是什么激发了这种行为?

一种解释可能是一种认知偏见,例如“付出的痛苦”,这是由于损失厌恶而导致的。1这可能影响人们采取行动,就像美元pent on gas above a certain threshold (say, $20) are more costly than dollars spent below that threshold. Consumers may also engage in a form of “mental accounting,” budgeting a modest amount to spend at the pump on a visit-by-visit basis, regardless of their actual budget constraints or willingness to pay for gasoline.2It could simply be that some consumers are “anchored” around paying a specific amount to fill up their tanks, and are averse to spending more than what they are used to spending at each visit to the pump.3


How did Financially Healthy and Unhealthy People Respond to Record-High Gas Prices?

我们可以直接使用Financial HealthPulse®数据来直接回答两个问题,以提供一些见解:

    1. 考虑到总体消耗的变化后,加油站交易的频率是否随着我们的样本总体价格上涨而增加?
    2. Did Financially Unhealthy people increase their number of gas purchases faster than Financially Healthy people, after accounting for changes in total gas consumption between the two groups?


    • 参与者的信用卡和检查在加油站发生的账户购买,我们可以使用财务健康脉冲交易数据来识别。
    • 这些参与者的Finhealth得分(根据他们的财务健康脉冲调查回答计算得出),我们用来将参与者确定为“财务健康”或“财务不健康”。4
    • 全国平均天然气零售价格,可从能源信息管理局每周公开开放。
    • 粗略估计每笔交易购买了多少天然气,这是通过当时全国平均天然气价格将花费在该交易上花费的美元分配的。


Total gas consumption in our sample decreased steadily overall as prices rose from February 2021 through July 2022 (Figure 1). The downward trend was similar for both Financially Healthy people and Financially Unhealthy people, and each group’s sensitivity to price over this period was statistically indistinguishable.5This shows that随着价格上涨,我们样本中财务健康的人和经济不健康的人都以相似的速度降低了汽油消耗。



注意:阴影区域是每天估计的平均活动绘制的95%置信区间。线条的平滑效果是作为视觉辅助。n =每天观察到353人(125个健康,228个不健康)。

尽管购买的天然气量稳定下降,但总体样品中加油站访问的频率没有巨大变化(图2)。但是,每个小组在2022年3月之后每月一次泵的旅行趋势表明when gas prices began their steepest climb, people who are not Financially Healthy may have begun increasing their number of monthly gas refills relative to Financially Healthy people.6



注意:阴影区域是每天估计的平均活动绘制的95%置信区间。线条的平滑效果是作为视觉辅助。n =每天观察到353人(125个健康,228个不健康)。


Figure 3. Financially Unhealthy people purchased smaller amounts of gas per transaction when gas prices were highest.

Figure 3. Financially Unhealthy people purchased smaller amounts of gas per transaction when gas prices were highest.

注意:阴影区域是每天估计的平均活动绘制的95%置信区间。线条的平滑效果是作为视觉辅助。n =每天观察到353人(125个健康,228个不健康)。

Is Frequency of Refills Related to Price Increases?


我们的结果表明,每个小组的价格和交易频率之间的预测关系是不同的。8This is true even after taking into account differences in overall gas consumption between the two groups and seasonal differences in demand for gas. Predictions from our regression model with these controls taken into account are plotted in Figure 4.

Overall, people in our sample increased the frequency of their gas station visits by about 0.18 transactions per month for every $1 price increase. Those who were not Financially Healthy increased their trips to gas stations when gas prices were very high, while those who were Financially Healthy maintained roughly the same number of trips to the pump per month once prices reached $4 per gallon. In other words,Financially Unhealthy people increased the frequency of their gas purchases relative to Financially Healthy people when gas prices were near $5 per gallon,保持总气体消耗常数。

每种型号以不同价格的坡度进行比较证实,当汽油价格最高(每加仑4.50美元至5美元之间)时,在我们样本中,财务不健康的人每月以比财务健康的人更快地增加他们的购买次数(between 0.24 and 0.45 purchases per month faster for each $1.00 increase).9



注意:情节显示,每组每月预测的交易,由OLS回归模型生产,其价格和控制的二次术语和每月购买的加仑的控制和每月指标以控制季节性。n = 192,738人日观察。标准误差聚集在人级别(n = 353)。阴影区域为95%的置信区间。尽管置信区间略微重叠,但在较低的价格点(约2.50至$ 3.25)和更高的价格点(〜$ 4.50至〜$ 5)上,每月的估计交易数量在统计学上显着差异显着差异。边缘效应的对比表明,每条线的斜率在统计学上显着差异约4.50至5美元。




Gas prices are just one small component of total consumer spending, but they are a window into how very visible price changes influence spending behavior. Other research has noted that gas prices are closely correlated with overall consumer sentiment, perhaps because of their conspicuousness.10主任Joanne Hsu,调查的消费者s at the University of Michigan, said in a recent article in The New York Times, “There is no other consumer good or service with price tags that are visible from the street, all the time.”11

我们的独特数据表明,财务应对和脆弱的人面临的日常费用以及通货膨胀如何加剧这些困难的众多困难之一。这里提供的分析还表明,财务不健康的人可能会使用与财务健康的人不同的预算策略来应对这些困难。先前的研究表明,许多具有流动性限制的人严格管理预算并调整支出,以便能够满足日常费用。12Smoothing gas consumption over a greater number of transactions may be one of the strategies they use. Future research should explore whether these patterns hold when using larger datasets and different time periods, as well as whether liquidity constraints, specific cognitive biases, or other factors are the most likely drivers of these different responses.

About Our Methodology


    1. 在整个兴趣期间,至少拥有一张支票帐户,预付费卡或信用卡。
    2. 在2020年至2022年之间,对财务健康脉搏的调查做出了回应。每个受访者最享有的Finhealth评分都用于计算其财务健康层。

应用了具有20%平滑窗口的本地加权散点图平滑(黄土),以生成汽油购买行为的趋势线。请参阅完整财务健康脉搏transactional methodology overview有关交易数据收集和分析的更多信息。

Gas price data are available from theEnergy Information Administration。我们将30天的滚动平均值应用于每周的汽油价格,以使其与我们分析的汽油购买活动的30天滚动摘要更直接相提并论。由于这些汽油价格是民族平均值,因此我们在分析中做出的假设是,样本中的财务健康和不健康的人平均面临着相同的价格上涨。

Our ability to definitively answer research questions about gas purchasing behavior is limited by our transactional data in several ways. First, the number of panelists who participate in both surveys and transactional data sharing is limited. Second, because transactional data is collected on an opt-in basis via an online platform, we are only able to capture spending activity from people who have online banking and are willing to share their bank account data with us. These people may have different characteristics on average than the U.S. population as a whole. Further, some financial accounts that are linked to the platform are rarely used, meaning they are not providing us with a complete picture of that participant’s payments.

最后,我们通过确定哪些交易被格子分类为在加油站进行的。我们假设这些交易中的绝大多数是零售汽油购买,但我们无法确定。考虑到这一点,我们删除了21个人,他们在给定月份的总天然气支出令人难以置信($ 900或更多)或令人难以置信的负面($ -752或更少,表明退款交易的不切实际),认为这些不能代表这些代表零售加油站交易由单个驾驶员进行。我们也无法区分购买的汽油的不同等级,因此我们的型号无法区分一个人通过购买更少的汽油来减少汽油支出的人和通过购买较便宜的汽油来减少的人。

  1. Pain of paying,”行为Aleconomics.com。
  2. 心理会计,”行为Aleconomics.com。
  3. “锚定(启发式),”行为Aleconomics.com
  4. Because of sample size constraints, we have combined Financially Coping and Vulnerable people together as “Financially Unhealthy” people for this analysis.
  5. 由于样本的结构和规模,我们的数据不适合估计美国总体天然气价格弹性的任务。但是,我们使用每月消费的日志模型模型对我们的整个样本产生-0.24(p <0.1)的估计值,这是从一般的估计范围内的。other literature。Our models estimate a slightly larger elasticity for Financially Unhealthy people, but the difference between the two elasticities is not statistically significant. Therefore, we do not have any evidence that their elasticities of demand for gas differ.
  6. If the average number of gas transactions per month seems low, keep in mind that a sizable segment of our sample purchases gas only rarely using the accounts they have given us access to, and some who never purchased gas over this entire time period. We have decided to focus our analysis on the overall sample, not just those who purchase gas regularly, to avoid the risk of biasing our data by dropping individuals nonrandomly.
  7. 没有二次术语的线性模型根据用于分析的日期范围而捕获了对价格的明显不同。我们在这里报告了二次模型的结果,因为它们使我们能够建模价格和交易频率之间的关系(即模型的斜率)如何通过允许模型弯曲而在不同的价格上有所不同。
  8. 此处报告的估计值不包括受访者级固定效应的控件。我们测试了许多不同的模型规格,具有和没有固定效果。受访者级别的固定效应在控制财务健康和不健康的人之间的差异方面并不是特别有用,因为每个群体都被视为要受到相同价格上涨(相同的治疗方法)。
  9. 在这些价格点上,每个小组的斜率之间的估计差异在统计学上与零有显着差异。每条曲线的估计斜率在较低的价格上,尽管在视觉上不同,但在统计上是无法区分的。
  10. Carola Binder, “Gas Prices, Inflation Expectations, and Consumer Sentiment,” 2022年8月,乔治·梅森大学的Mercatus中心。
  11. Emily Badger & Eve Washington, “Why the Price of Gas Has Such Power Over Us, New York Times, October 2022.
  12. Halpern-Meekin,S.,Edin,K.,Tach,L。,&Sykes,J。(2015)。这并不像我很贫穷:工作家庭如何在后福利世界中实现生计。加利福尼亚大学出版社。

Our Supporters

The Financial Health Pulse is supported by the Citi Foundation, with additional funding from Principal Foundation. Since the inception of the initiative in 2018, the Financial Health Network has collaborated with USC’s Dornsife Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR) to field the study to its online panel, the Understanding America Study. Study participants who agree to share their transactional and account data use Plaid’s data connectivity services to authorize their data for analysis.


USC Dornsife

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