雷竞技最新网址金融健康网络宣布Adeeb Z. Mahmud担任新首席计划官,并任命Accenture的Tamarah Duperval-Brownlee博士担任董事会


Tuesday, March 1, 2022
雷竞技最新网址金融健康网络宣布Adeeb Z. Mahmud担任新首席计划官,并任命Accenture的Tamarah Duperval-Brownlee博士担任董事会

伊利诺伊州芝加哥 - 2022年3月1日 - 美国财务健康局财务健雷竞技最新网址康网络今天宣布了其新的首席计划官(CPO),Adeeb Z. Mahmud,并任命Tamarah Duperval-Brownlee博士任命为金融健康网络董事会。雷竞技最新网址

“Adeeb Mahmud and Dr. Tam Duperval-Brownlee bring the expertise and experience that aligns with our strategy of building the financial health ecosystem and showing our partners and stakeholders what works so they can take action,” said Jennifer Tescher, president and CEO of Financial Health Network.” Adeeb’s background in driving research, using measurement and building solutions along with Tam’s expertise in focusing on community and workplace needs and access will give our teams tremendous insights as we seek to highlight the connections between physical and financial health, and impacts issues like medical debt have on employees and underserved communities.”



“I have dedicated my career to advancing the work of nonprofits and companies working to address social impact, and am inspired by the mission of Financial Health Network and the opportunity to work on programs that create equitable impact, particularly for those most excluded,” said Adeeb Mahmud. “I look forward to supporting the team, highlighting our research, and growing our influence in new markets to improve financial health for all.”

马哈茂德(Mahmud)在FSG咨询公司(FSG)工作了15年,自2018年以来就一直担任董事总经理。在该职位上,他与公司,非营利组织,政府和慈善事业的客户合作,例如万事达卡,Quest Diagnostics和Bill&Melinda,盖茨基金会(Gates Foundation)提高公平的社会影响。此外,Mahmud帮助领导FSG在多样性,公平和包容(DEI)方面的工作,撰写了许多思想领导力,并为该公司追求了新的业务发展。

Tamarah Duperval-Brownlee博士加入了Board of Directors2月,随着该组织在该领域的工作加深,她的行业领先的医疗保健专业知识。Duperval-Brownlee博士是埃森哲的就职首席卫生官,负责制定和创新策略,以增强全球70万名员工及其家人的健康,安全和福祉。她的职业生涯跨越了二十年的高级医疗保健领导力,重点是改善健康和促进健康公平。在加入埃森哲之前,她曾担任卫生系统升天的高级副总裁兼首席社区影响官。她还从事临床家庭医学,并担任学术和联邦资格卫生中心的临床和运营领导者。

