尽管会员满意度和消费者对银行的消费情绪强劲,但信贷工会按抵押贷款和信用卡的主要利润驱动因素的市场份额在单位数。When asked why they aren’t members, many Gen Y-ers admitted to not knowing much about credit unions, and when in the market for financial products they have the same preference for a big bank as they do for a community bank or credit union.

本文概述了基石顾问建议的四种策略,即基于这一队列的技术和信用卡及其金融健康的基于该队列的基于Gen Y-ers的业务申请赢得Gen Y-ERS的业务。


也一定观看我们的网络研讨会关于基石顾问Ron Shevlin的研究与Filene Research Institute的Tansely Stearns探讨了吸引和留下千年成员的策略。